Hi Everyone,
Let me start with apologizing. I'm sorry I've been gone so long. My life took quite a turn this spring and I had to re-think a lot. But Everything is cool again and I found the inspiration to write again.
I never actually stopped writing. I wrote for myself and I hope one day I can share all those stories I will try to tell some of them in this post and show some of the pictures I took(most of them will be selfies).
Let's begin with where I left of here on my blog. FYI I did try to keep vlogging so you can head of to my channel and check out the stuff that I did film.
DDSCRAZYLIFE The last post on my blog was my birthday. Stuff was already a little messed up then but my birthday was amazing for once.
Soon after my birthday I had new shows and school so I was way to busy for it all. Then June came around and I had to fight for school. The fight didn't pay off I didn't get my P 0,1 short on a grade. The teacher said if you can't continuo because of my course I will give you that 0,1. But in the end he didn't think it was his grade. So I actually thought this was the end, my future gone and I almost slipped back in to my depression. Thank god this time I had the most amazing people around me who kept me alive. I want to give a big shout out to Asja for the late night calls and texts! A lot of crap happend after that and I had to figure out what I wanted with my life in the middle of it all. I asked for advice from the one teacher I always respected. She said go and audition for Artist. I did, the nerves almost killed me during the audition, but I put all I had in it and they loved it.
So to conclude it all that's where I am now. I'm fulltime studying theatre and it feels like the best decision I have ever made. From day one I felt at home. I love my class and I can be me with them.
There's a vlog up on my channel
DDSCRAZYLIFE from our introduction day.
This is what I've been up to. I will try to keep weekly updates from now on.
Lots of Love
Ps. More happend so keep reading if you want to know ;)
The night off the introduction day I met up with a boy/man(he's not neither actually)
It started as friends and was really fun and stuff. Then we went inside the bar and shit got real.
We started talking about sex, each others preferences and other weird stuff, like the fact that I'm hyper sensitive and some spot on my skin are that sensitive I can come from just touching. We also accidentally had an heart to heart talk. Accidentally because we read each other notes on our phones and both forget we had written a lot of stuff in there. Then at around 3 am I knew I had to go home because otherwise stuff would happen I didn't think I was ready for. I said goodbye to him and we hugged, then his hand went up to my neck(which is one of those places) and my body reacted. I said no and went to get my bike. All of a sudden I hear my name and turn around. It's him apparently I dropped something in the bar and he gives it to me. My mind is racing, what does he want? omg is he going to kiss me? do I want him to kiss me? holy shit what am I going to do? We walk for a bit and then he hops on the back of my bike and grabs me, his hand in my neck on the right spot.

This is all for now if you want more leave a comment saying yes and I will post the rest next week.